
Showing posts from 2022

Thesis for sale!

Various thesis of all levels of education is up for sale. Completed full work (chap 1-5) with spss for quantitative study & interview script for qualitative study.  Turnitin report is provided FOC! Just let us know your major/field & we will propose several related titles for you to choose on. We’ll furnish the thesis in 3-5 days! Do note that we’re selling fully completed thesis all you have to do is inform us your major, pick a title from our lists and wait for the thesis to be delivered! We are offering ready-stock thesis at 30% discounted price. Grab your copy now!  WhatsApp us at 014-6804945 or email us at for price lists! #Assignmenthelper #Thesisproject

20% OFF!!!

 Hi all! Yes that’s right! 20% off will be given to all bookings made for thesis/project paper, assignment, class exam and so on, for Bachelor up to Phd level tasks! Do inquire us at 014-6804945 for bookings!  #assignmenthelper #taskhelper


 Selamat Hari Raya semua! Dah puas beraya? Kuih raya dan rendang sedapnya. Admin dah kenyang makan mungkin dah naik beberapa kilo haha. Baiklah, dah masuk bulan baru dan kerja juga makin bertambah.  Perlukan pertolongan untuk tugasan anda? Jangan malu-malu untuk hubungi kami di 017-5372472. Perkhidmatan penulisan masih disediakan. Kami juga ingin memaklumkan bahawa kini kami menawarkan perkhidmatan penulisan bagi subjek Biologi dan berkaitan, dari tahap Diploma hingga Phd! Ini adalah susulan pelantikan penulis baru (pemegang Phd dari Unimas) dengan jurusan Biologi. Diskaun raya masih diteruskan! 10% akan diberikan kepada semua tesis (pelbagai tahap).  Hubungi kami sekarang di 017-5372472 (Nurul) 😊